Mirna slammed her school bag, then lay down on her bed. The city-wide selection of flag raisers joint exercises made her disappointed. Why not? she did not pass the selection at the next stage. Not passing the selection means indirectly that it will not be accepted for the municipal level paskibraka selection. She felt her hopes dashed. Her image of becoming a member of the national level paskibraka evaporated. She knew very well that his practice was thumbs up, her knowledge was good, and of course her attitude was praised by her seniors and coaches. But alas, she collided with his height. Her height is only 158 cm. Of course it will not qualify to become a member of the municipal level, let alone the national level, is absurd.
"Mir, are you home? this is mom cooking your favorite food Martabak egg and sticky rice srikaya” slowly her mother knocked on the door of her room.
"Yes, mam," was all Mirna answered. She didn't feel like eating.
Her mother froze a little in front of her room. She had wanted to ask, how was the result of the joint training selection that had been followed by her son. Does it get away or not. However, she didn't have the heart to ask. The mother has assumed that the answer is definitely no pass.
That night, Mirna just froze in front of the television. Her father was completing office work in the living room. Her mother sighed and then spoke up.
"There must be a win in competition, there must be a loss ...," with a slight smile he continued, "so that's only natural."
Mirna nodded slowly, but without realizing it, her tears came out a little. She wipes her tears. Mirna doesn't want her mother to know that she really wants to become a member of the flag raisers.
"Oh yes, what's your new extracurricular name? Art and culture right?" how is the progress of your activities there?" the father began to reply.
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"Yeah Dad, hmmmm" Mirna sighed a little. She actually didn't really focus on the second extracurricular. Just because she is good at singing, poetry, and speeches, her friends and family say. She was advised to enter the extracurricular. She has little interest. Her main interest remains in post-curricular extracurricular activities. According to her, flag raisers is much more prestigious. Much more respected, and much better.
"Hi Mir ... how are you doing?" Eki asked in a sassy tone when they were on their lunch break at school. Eki is a school friend and one extracurricular with Mirna, namely paskibra.
"Fine," replied Mirna briefly.
"Uh ... are you crying?" Eki asked, pointing towards Mirna's eyes.
"No," Mirna avoided. Mirna tried not to make her face look sad. Shee smiled slightly, although only a smile on the lips. Her eyes still harbor sadness.
"Same, I'm sad too," Eki also expressed her feelings. "Maybe there was fraud during the selection again (joint practice) yesterday," Eki began to speculate.
"Ah, don't be silly," Mirna tried to answer.
"The proof is, Mrs. Endang's child can escape, even though it's a child ... just the same age as corn has entered her post. The UN is not very good either. I'm sure this must be nepotism,” said Eki.
"But it's her height, which makes her escape, is 168 cm. Moreover, her posture is proportional. Well, it's natural, it's not like we have the posture of a dwarf,” whispered Mirna.
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"Are you teasing me?" asked Eki with a sharp grimace.
"Eh, not really. We're both, right, that much height, hihihiiii," Mirna tried to smile and laugh.
They finally went to the canteen and ordered soup. Actually, Eki is not too ambitious to become a member of flag raisers. However, because of her senior, Rio also took part in the extracurricular activity. Rio was one of the girls' favorite boys at the school. Moreover, Rio also served as the vice chairman of the Student Council. But whatever, Rio already has a girlfriend. His girlfriend is the student council secretary herself, Dita.
But Mirna, she is very ambitious to be a member of flag raisers. Her aspiration to become a member of the national level paskibraka and compete at the State Palace is very coveted by her. She wants to make her parents proud to become an idol of young people and their peers. But yesterday's events had dispelled her hopes. Her height is considered inadequate to be considered a member of the flag raisers. Remembering yesterday's incident made her heart sob. She wanted so badly to return to the past. Where he can still grow tall. Long time exercise to support her posture, swimming, basketball, cycling, taking supplements that are good for enhancing the body.
"Mirna," Mrs. Tetty's voice broke her reverie.
The entrance bell has rang, but Mirna is still leaning back in front of the class.
"Come on in," Mrs. Tetty the Indonesian teacher grabbed Mirna's body with her hands.
Mrs. Tetty for Mirna is a good teacher. She cares for her students as much as her own children. Mrs. Tetty also suggested that Mirna be included in the extracurricular of Cultural Arts. That is because Mrs. Tetty is an extracurricular coach for Cultural Arts and knows that Mirna is good at writing poetry and making speech scripts. However, Mirna only considered her talent mediocre.
"Yesterday, our school received invitations via telegram. The telegram is from the Main Nation University. There is an invitation for a provincial competition,” explained Mrs. Tetty at the end of the Indonesian language process.
"Oh, wow," Mirna responds.
"After coming home from school you come to your mother's room, right now, you want to study Math first," said Ms. Tetty.
"Yes, Mom," replied Mirna with a smile.
"What did Mrs. Tetty say? you were told to take part in the competition, right? " asked Dea, Mirna's classmate.
"Maybe, I think," replied Mirna.
"Just come along. I believe you can. If in the flag raisers, I'm not sure you can succeed. Because your height is not possible," said Dea again.
Mirna was a little surprised, but what Dea said was true. How could the owner of 158 cm tall could qualify to become a member of the flag raisers.
Mirna finally came to Mrs. Tetty's room. Mrs. Tetty is waiting there. Mrs. Tetty smiled and said, “I want to make you the representative of the school. Not only you, Iwan and Ira, who also appointed me as representatives of this competition. "
"What competition, ma'am?" asked Mirna.
"Sack racing competition," said Mrs. Tetty briefly. Mirna was shocked. "Hahahaha ... no, a poetry reading competition at the provincial level." Said Mrs. Tetty with a laugh.
Mirna just smiled happily.
"After all, you look sad. Why are you Mir? "dor, Mrs. Tetty apparently saw the change on Mirna's face.
"Nothing, Mom," replied Mirna.
“Very well then, if the problem isn't that serious, there's no need to think about it. But if you need to be discussed, Mother is ready to accept your grievances,” said Mrs. Tetty.
"No, ma'am, hey, I'm just disappointed that yesterday I didn't pass the joint training," Mirna began to speak.
“Ooh… that one. Do you need to lobby Mrs. Endang as an extracurricular flag raisers?" asked Mrs Tetty seriously. "If you really want or really want to take part in the joint training?"
Mirna was surprised and then answered "No need, ma'am, it doesn't matter, it's been treated by school representatives for this competition."
Mrs. Tetty smiled, then handed her the participant registration form. "This is the signature first," she said. Then Mrs. Tetty handed me a mandatory poetry script and a selection of poetry texts to be selected in the competition.
"Iwan and Ira have already taken their poetry, it was during recess," said Mrs. Tetty. "The time is a week from now, hopefully we will win, because we have met the champion."
Mirna is still vague about what Mrs. Tetty meant. The champion has met. Is she, Iwan or ira? ah I don't know.
Mirna is still pursuing line by line and verse by verse in the poem. Poetry must tell about the spirit of heroism. While the poetry has a variety of themes, some are happy, sad, emotional, and angry. Mirna chose a poem on the theme of sadness because it matched her mood lately.
Every day of the week Mirna always practices to prepare for the poetry reading competition. After school, two hours later, he must have taken the time to find inspiration. I don't know what idea got into Mirna, suddenly she took a black plastic bag and decorated it with colorful crepe paper. Filling the black crackle with some cardboard boxes, as if several packages were inside the crackle.
The poem chosen by Mirna is entitled " Love does Not Arrive ". Tells the story of the struggle of a lover who wants to bring gifts for the girlfriend he loves. But unfortunately, when he got to the dock, he saw his girlfriend with her new lover. How sad the events experienced by the lover. Until finally he broke up and dissolved in sadness. The theme of disappointment reminds Mirna of her rejection of herself in the extracurricular flag raisers. She presupposes himself to be a lover who has long wanted to meet the one he coveted.
Mirna brought the plastic bag decorated with colorful crepe paper to Bangsa Utama University. Iwan and Ira couldn't help laughing. According to them, Mirna was too much. But not for Mirna. Expressions of disappointment must be met with spectacular work.
"Participant No.5, Mirna Indrawati from Bhakti Utama Senior High School is welcome to come on stage," said the host.
Everyone is focused on the figure of Mirna. Some of the participants whispered strangely to see her presence. Mirna delivered mandatory poetry, and continued with selected poetry. She took the black crackle package. Mirna brought her with full appreciation, until her tears melted down her uniform, she held the “souvenir” package for her boyfriend tightly, her snot started to fall, her mouth sneered as a sign of holding back the pain, her voice was hoarse. It didn't matter if her face became so ugly with that expression In fact, it might be said that people are under stress. All was quiet. All are mute. However, when the poetry had ended, loud applause from the audience began to flood the saentero of the Main Nation University public hall. Everyone was amazed by the expression Mirna showed. Mirna won the overall champion. She received a big and high trophy that he had never imagined at all, Rp. 5,000,000 in cash, a certificate of appreciation, and a package containing 2 books of Tere Liye's novels.
"Really crazy, really, really," Ira commented on her friend, Mirna. "Looks like you took it, Mir?"
Mira just smiled. Of course, this was an expression of his disappointment a few days ago. However, this disappointment can be expressed in a work that can be enjoyed by many people. Moreover, Bangsa Utama University broadcast this event on their official youtube channel.
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Monday has arrived. After Mirna's flag raisers friends showed their prowess in lines and raised flags when the ceremony arrived, now it's Mirna's turn to be summoned to the front, yes to the center of the ceremony field. Mirna has raised the name of the school at the provincial level. Mirna was called to be given the opportunity to hand over the trophy of pride to the principal, Mr. Darmawan. Mr. Darmawan, the principal, proudly and shakes Mirna's hand.
"Great girl ..!" that is what Mr. Darmawan said to Mirna.
Boisterous applause welcomed Mirna's achievements, including Mrs. Tetty, Mrs. Endang, other teacher councils, Iwan, Ira, Dea, Eki, and Mirna's flag raisers friends. All recognized Mirna's greatness. All because of the disappointment that happened to Mirna, which in the end made Mirna successful in bringing the name of her school to goodness.
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